Thursday, August 13, 2009


Lisa Wu-Hartwell, one of stars of the Real Housewives of Atlanta has lost her house due to foreclosure. On the brightside she's been cast in a new series called, the Real Housewives of the Holiday Inn.

The wife of Twitter’s CEO tweeted while in labor yesterday – saying“Dear Twitter, My water broke,” and “Epidural, yes please" - then during the birth she tweeted 140 F's in a row.

A 4-year-old girl from Queens was left on a Times Square subway platform for 15 minutes when her daycare teacher forgot about her. Don't worry, she's Ok, when authorities found her she was showing a homeless lady how to go potty like a big girl.

The president of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias has Swine Flu. But he says it's not a bad deal because it came with airfare and hotel all included.

Happy 46th birthday to rapper Sir-Mix-a-Lot. Or as his wife calls himever since he turned 40, Sir-Pees-a-Lot.

Congratulations to Sir-Mix-a-Lot who celebrated his 46th birthday today. At a party thrown in his honor, he performed a remix of his hit single "Baby Got Back" that he says celebrates the kind of women he hangs out with now called, "Baby Got Back Problems."

This is insane – a man from Pennsylvania was found guilty of groping Minnie Mouse at Disney World – and was sentenced to pay a large fine and a write a letter of apology to the victim. He also had to write anapology to Mickey Mouse that started: Dear M-I-C-K-E-Y, why? ‘Cause I’m a pervert.

This is insane – a man from Pennsylvania was found guilty of groping Minnie Mouse at Disney World – and was sentenced to pay a large fine and a write a letter of apology to the victim. In the apology the man wrote: “Dear Minnie, I apologize for my actions but I had just led the Pittsburgh Steelers to victory in the Super Bowl and…”

During his town hall meeting in New Hampshire yesterday, PresidentObama mistakenly said that the AARP supports his health care plan –but it turns out they don’t. Great, just what we need, more confused old people.

Well it's the end of an era. MTV is leaving its studio in Times Squareat the end of the year because the rent is too expensive. Until they can find a new studio MTV will temporarily move into Lauren Conrad’spool house.

The details of Simon Cowell's new contract on American Idol were just released. He'll be making 45 million dollars a year. Combine that with Seacrest’s new 45 million dollar contract and the two of them can attend one Yankees game

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