Wednesday, July 29, 2009

7/30/09 - Possible 4th joke in 2 weeks on Fallon

I wrote:
It’s rumored that Sarah Palin will get her own radio talk show next
year. It’ll be a four hour show but Palin will only stick
around for the first three.

Fallon said:
"It'll be a four hour show but she'll be out after two"

Obama’s personal physician, Dr. David Scheiner described the
President’s health by saying, "The guy is built like a rock. He could
probably bench-press me." Then he corrected himself and said, “Excuse
me, I meant, the First Lady.”

Happy birthday to documentary filmmaker Ken Burns. His party will take
place over twelve nights and air on PBS.

Hulk Hogan and his wife, Linda, have finally reached a settlement in
their divorce case. It was a nasty divorce. She tried to take
everything but the shirt off his back... but luckily he tore it off
before she could.

Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committee approved Sonia Sotomayor to
become the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice. But it's not over
yet, before the Senate can vote on her confirmation, she has to
survive Hell Week first.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday that he thinks
President Obama’s meeting with James Crowley and Henry Louis Gates
will “be a poignant moment.” - that is until Joe Biden spills his beer
in the President's lap and everyone yells, "party foul!"

An MTA employee is under investigation for letting her 8-year-old son
drive an express subway train on Sunday. It's not the first time
something like this has happened in New York City 'cause I'm pretty
sure an 8-year-old has been making the announcements in the subway for

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