Thursday, October 15, 2009


Car sales have dropped 1.5% since the halt of the Cash for Clunkers
program. The numbers are not only proof of the program's success but
they lead many in the auto industry to believe that President Obama
could win the Nobel Prize for selling cars.

Researchers in London have proven that William Shakespeare co-wrote at
least one play, “The Reign of King Edward III,” with the help of
playwright Thomas Kyd - or as your English teacher will try to refer
to him, "he's like the Timbaland of the 17th Century."

A bank in Holland is selling a mood bracelet that keeps investors from
being greedy by alerting traders when they are getting overly
emotional. Also on sale at the bank, mood brownies.

Researchers in Italy discovered a new Leonardo da Vinci painting after
analyzing a smudged fingerprint. But upon further review - turns out
it was actually painted by Paul Anka.

The Pentagon acknowledged that it is working on a 15-ton bomb,
designed to destroy hidden weapons bunkers like the ones found in Iran
and North Korea. But that's all they'll say right now about "Operation

More than 40,000 people in South Korea were married in a mass wedding
ceremony today - which was followed by a mass wedding reception where
everyone had to sit thru 40,000 drunk Best Man speeches.

Because they run so quietly - new Hybrid and electric cars are adding "artificial engine noises" - so pedestrians can hear them approaching. The most requested "car tone" thus far: "aaahhhh-ooooo-gah!"

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