Thursday, October 1, 2009


Miners in South Africa discovered a 507-carat diamond this week – one of the 20 largest rough diamonds ever found. Kobe Bryant immediately bought it and gave it to his wife... just in case.

Russian chess master Garry Kasparov handily defeated Anatoli Karpov (9 to 3) in a rematch commemorating the 25th anniversary of their epic first duel in 1984. I'm sure we all remember what we were doing that day 25 years ago... Not watching chess.

The President of the World Bank said yesterday that the Euro could replace the American dollar as the new world currency. No word on how the change will affect the free toaster giveaways.

... Despite the possible change the World Bank will still keep all of its pens attached to chains.

Jon Gosselin will no longer appear on “Jon & Kate Plus 8” and as of November 2, the TLC show will be called “Kate Plus 8.” Also the part of Kate will now be played by Kathy Lee Gifford.

It will follow TLC's other big hit "Kirstie plus 250"

President Obama will travel to Copenhagen on Thursday to make a pitch for Chicago to host the 2016 Olympics. He'll speak before the International Olympic Commitee and then appear on every TV show in Denmark.

A woman in Oklahoma was arrested after her 14-year-old son told police he was locked inside a bedroom closet for years. Now that he's out of the closet the boy plans to be your! Next! American! Idol!

Limp Bizkit lead singer Fred Durst announced on Twitter yesterday that he and his wife, Esther, are splitting up after 2 months of marriage. Apparently he did it all for the Nookie.

Taliban insurgents threatened to bomb Oktoberfest in Munich if Germany does not leave Afghanistan. Yeah, that's a good idea, attack thousands of drunk German people.

I don't know what the Taliban is thinking... if they really want Germany to leave Afghanistan they just have to ask in a way Germans would understand like, "Ok Germany, closing time! You don't have to go home but you gotta get the hell out of heeeeeeee-aaaaaaah!"

The President of the World Bank said yesterday that the Euro could replace the American dollar as the new world currency. Meanwhile Chairman of the Fed Ben Bernanke says that's ridiculous. The only currency that could replace dollars are I.O.U.'s.

Mark your calendars guys, Sarah Palin's memoir detailing her 2008 run for Vice President will be released on November 17th and it's called, "Going Rogue: An American Life." - "Going Rogue" is a cool title... although it's pretty close to McCain's 2008 election memoir, "Going Insane."

Palin's memoir is 400 pages long... but the last 200 are blank.

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