Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10/27/09 - Possible Joke on Fallon

***Mark McGwire will come out of retirement to be the hitting coach for his old team, the St. Louis Cardinals, in 2010. The move is just the "shot in the arm" the Cardinals need.***

Iceland is shutting down 3 McDonalds restaurants in Reyjavik because of the country's economic collapse - which means next time you want a burger and fries in Iceland you have to go to "Fjordruckers"

Two Northwest Airlines pilots admitted they were using their laptops last week when their plane overshot its destination by 150 miles. Luckily the only thing that crashed was Windows.

Newt Gingrich said yesterday that he will most likely run for president in 2012 after he and his wife “assess the field of candidates.” Ewwww I don't want to think about Newt Gingrich and his wife "assessing candidates!"

Jon Gosselin said that he returned $180,000 to a joint account he shares with his wife Kate. But if I were her, I wouldn't touch that money for a while, who knows where its been?...

A new study found that kids’ cereals have 85% more sugar and 65% less fiber than adult cereals. When asked to comment Tony the Tiger was like, "true but adult cereals are, "GRRRRRRR-oss!"

The World Series starts tomorrow – the Yankees play the Phillies right here at the new Yankee Stadium - and the big news today is that Pedro will start game 2 for the Phils. Wow, Pedro back on the mound vs. the Yanks... Which explains why Don Zimmer's been juicin'.

CNN dropped to last place in the cable news ratings this month. As a result they're shaking up their lineup by replacing Wolf Blitzer with Jay Leno.

Luckily the network has a strategy in place for just such an occasion: "In case of emergency, more Gupta!"

You know those two Northwest Airlines pilots who overshot their landing by 150 miles? They said yesterday that they were "not sleeping" but got distracted because they were on their laptop computers. Apparently they were trying to figure out the new Facebook.

So next time you're playing World of Warcraft and you see the screenames Pilot225 and CaptainNorthwest, it's probably a good idea NOT to play with them.

Facebook just announced that they will leave your Facebook page up - even if you die. Which is great news for all those sickos out there who like to superpoke dead people.

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