Monday, September 21, 2009


New Zealand scientists have developed a wireless heart pump that uses
magnetic fields to transfer power to heart pumps through a person's
skin rather than using wire cables. The best part is: if patients
can't afford the wireless service they can just steal the signal from
their neighbors.

More Jon and Kate news this week: Jon returned the couple's two German
Shepherds back to their breeders - blaming Kate because she's never
home to take care of them. To clarify, when I say "breeders," I'm NOT
talking about Jon and Kate.

The Senate Finance Committee unveiled its $856 billion healthcare
proposal yesterday and not one Republican Senator supports it. The
proposal is such a turn off to Republican Senators they're already
cheating on it with younger, hotter proposals.

The Senate Finance Committee unveiled its $856 billion healthcare
proposal yesterday and not one Republican Senator supports it. The
main sticking point for Republicans: The plan doesn't do enough to
cover hooker mistresses.

Did you guys see the finale of America's Got Talent last night?
Susanne Boyle made her American TV debut with a performance of the
Rolling Stones classic, "Wild Horses" - which prompted Mick Jagger to
ask, "What's Keith Richards doin on the telly singing Wild Horses?"
(As Jagger)

Vince McMahon's wife, Linda, is stepping down from her job as the CEO of the WWE to run for the Republican senate seat in Connecticut. Boy celebrity politicians are all the "roid" rage, aren't they?

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